Ever in search of ways to generate income from inventing (it really shouldn’t be this difficult) I’ve been having some interesting discussions with the Patreon legal people. I wonder who actually reads the small print?
They have made some valiant efforts to make clear what their user agreement actually means. Those cute cartoons, that artsy people will surely warm to, and all those downhome, monosyllabic explanations must surely indicate trustworthiness (Don’t do bad stuff ).
Until you come across this:
You will indemnify us from all losses and liabilities, including legal fees, that arise from these terms or relate to your use of Patreon.
So, creatives, be warned. They won’t be so cuddly when some patent troll starts suing them. If you upload anything which a troll thinks can score them a buck, by threatening legal action, you pay Patreon’s legal costs.