Who was it who said that the best way to predict the future was to invent it? –Alan Kay.
Well, I continue to invent daily, or at least come up with concepts, some of which may be the basis of something real.
Unfortunately, I didn’t inherit shares in an emerald mine or a family real-estate business and I’m not much good as an employee, but I still need to eat.
For these reasons, I have no choice but to put my ideas from now on, behind a paywall (Hell, if BoingBoing.net can do it…).
If you have an interest in accessing these, then the cost will be $300 per month (ie $10 per idea). This buys you an opportunity to look at the ideas and make a provisional patent application for any of them that you choose, in competition with my other subscribers, or to just use them to generate product sales if that’s more appropriate to your business).
I will make no claims to any of the resulting ‘intellectual property’, once I’ve been paid.
I am open to discussions about my helping develop ideas into actual products, but that would be chargeable in addition (based on 30 years’ experience). Do please contact me, in any event, via sales@hawkshawinnovation.com
All the best,