I’m no great lover of air travel…let’s forget, if we can, about having to publicly undress before boarding and about the distant prospect of retrieving any luggage at the destination…I just don’t much enjoy being spam in a can.
It is apparently established as fact that, in the event of a crash landing, many more people survive if they are facing backwards…but who wants to fly in that vulnerable-feeling orientation? By the way, if you are over six feet tall and with a longish back, have you ever had a quiet practice at adopting the ‘brace position’? On many commercial flights it’s just not possible without having some vertebrae removed first.
Today’s invention is therefore a reversible airline seat. They are just like the old tram seats I remember seeing in an ancient transport museum that could have their backrests flipped at the terminus to let passengers always face forward (because the vehicles themselves couldn’t be turned around).
In the event of some emergency landing procedure, everyone would simply shuffle from their seat to the one ahead of them, turning to face the rear of the plane as they did so and strapping themselves in again.