#496: Exosoles

There is a growing school of thought (apparently) that running shoes aren’t as good as they are cracked up to be. I guess we all suspected that paying £150 for a pair of super-lift-aerothon-springheels was a bad idea, in view of the billion dollar advertising and the child labour element.

Beyond all that, it turns out that people tend to run more naturally in bare feet. This assumes that they don’t have to contend with sub-zero temperatures and ankle-deep dog excrement.


Today’s invention attempts to get the best possible combination. Instead of training shoes: stick-on pads.

These would come in the form of a sheet of material with foam-backed adhesive paste behind a peel-off waxed sheet. The ground-facing side would be of natural, abrasion resistant, grippy stuff.

Cut the material into the shape of two footpads, remove the waxed paper and apply these new soles to one’s feet. (For anyone whose feet get cold during running, I’d suggest running faster or wearing socks with soles removed…an aftermarket opportunity perhaps?)

After a run, peel off the used soles and dump in the recycling.

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